An Experiment in Human Connection
off social media
Antisocial Social Club is an experiment in human creativity and connection. For 365 days, I'm committed to sharing real talk that goes deeper than the chatter and noise of social media. I might fake my own death on social media in 2025, and if I do, this is where you'll find me instead. Please come along for the ride! No, I don't know where we're going, and I'm not sure when we'll be back. So get in, but only if you're down for a trip into creative chaos and the wild unknown.
56. lobster lovers
If you’ve been in romantic partnership for long enough, you may find that at some point you forget how to do the romantic part.
That’s what happened for us, anyway. I’ve been married to Brent, a man I’m obsessed with for 13 years, and we’ll have been together for 16 this September. We have two k...
by Amelia Travis —
Feb 09, 2025
55. sugar baby
I have great news (for me, anyway). It's date night. Our first true and proper date night in five years. My mom is watching the kids overnight so Brent I and can run away and be lovers for 24 hours. In full transparency, I don't wanna write today. I just wanna get away and be un-responsible, be a...
by Amelia Travis —
Feb 08, 2025
54. apocalypse
It was a revelation, a reckoning, and a relief, all in one.
Today was apocalyptic: from the Greek ApokÃlypsis, a "lifting of the veil", or finding out something secret.
It brought the catastrophic ending of a friendship due to betrayal. Remember yesterday, when I said if you wanna piss me off, li...
Feb 07, 2025
53. fed up
I’ve been thinking about this word ‘boundaries’ which came to me for the year ahead.
Well, not thinking about the word, but thinking about my boundaries. It may come as no surprise that I am fiercely protective of my energy, since I’ve pulled it back in such a specific way to focus on this writi...
by Amelia Travis —
Feb 06, 2025
52. perimenopause
An unwanted visitor arrived in my life in the past few days: an angry, inflamed, pus-filled gremlin who has come to challenge my self-confidence and remind me of the inevitable onward march of time and even my own mortality.
Yes, it’s a zit. To be precise, it’s a huge, stubborn, hormonal pimpl...
by Amelia Travis —
Feb 05, 2025
51. response-able
Today I feel like I’m stretching my limits in responsibility.
Like my response-ability is functioning pretty close to max capacity.
But one thing I’ve observed over time is that every time I think I’ve reached my most response-able point, something happens to stretch it just a liiiiiitle bit furt...
Feb 04, 2025
50. headlines
Today had me thinking about headlines.
The day started off like most other Mondays: we woke up, made some matcha, packed the kids lunches for school, fed them breakfast, badgered them to get dressed - put socks on - put shoes on - brush teeth, and scooted them out the door at 8:45am.
I tidied u...
Feb 03, 2025
49. expatriate
Since we moved to Portugal in July 2022, there’s been more than a handful of times that someone has referred to me and Brent as “expats.” I generally respond that we don’t consider ourselves expats, but rather immigrants to this country we now call home.
Some might say, “tomato, tom-ah-to,” as i...
Feb 02, 2025
48. the towel
Tonight I am throwing in the towel.
It’s literally 3 past midnight, and I am sitting on the couch with River, who refuses to go to bed. Of course, he also won’t let me write.
So this is it tonight: If this is for me, and I am beyond tired, then at some point I just need to give up and give in. ...
Feb 02, 2025
47. weaving
The experience of human perception is marked by contrast.
It is through difference that we explore consciousness, feeling into the endless question of “who am I?” by playing the game of “not that, not this.” Through separation, form, and the density of matter, we journey through the Earth realm ...
Jan 31, 2025
46. neverwhere
Tonight I must return to the heart of this practice: writing without an agenda.
Because tonight, I don’t know how I feel or what I want to say. I only know that I made myself this promise, and I intend to keep it.
I’m tired, but not ready to sleep. It now seems that however the day goes, however...
Jan 30, 2025
45. virgin mudslide
If only I were talking about a mocktail. Alas, no.
Today, a mere three days after celebrating a sense of peace and completion in our recent household drama of water damage and weeks of repairs, we had a relapse.
I woke up early today to get the kids ready for school, as it’s my long day (class ...
by Amelia Travis —
Jan 30, 2025